Our Approach: Local, Individualized Recovery Assistance
from Insurance to Litigation

We prosecute fire damage cases on an individual basis with a very personal touch.  Our attorneys will meet with you locally and in person to address insurance issues, conduct site inspections and damage analysis, or simply to answer any questions you may have along the way. Our attorneys have represented clients all along the spectrum of damages, from smoke and soot cases to complex structural and agricultural loss. Our individualized approach allows us to find value for our clients and recover damages they may have forgotten or did not know they could recover. Click here to learn what sets our team apart.

Insurance Assistance

We understand that you are going through a difficult time right now and want to help you get back on your feet. Filing an insurance claim can be a painful and lengthy process. That's where we come in.

We can assist you with policy questions, insurance claims, damage calculations and other questions, and provide the tools necessary to maximize your insurance recovery, including a 28 page household inventory list

Our attorneys have extensive experience helping clients to maximize their insurance recovery, and begin the process of rebuilding their lives. We understand that the healing process begins now and we’re here to help every step of the way.

PG&E Litigation

We recently filed the first lawsuit against PG&E on behalf of Kincade Fire victims, alleging the utility was responsible for causing the fire. CalFire has since publicly confirmed that PG&E’s equipment started the fire in the area northeast of Geyserville. We also previously filed a lawsuit against PG&E alleging the 2017 North Bay Wildfires were ignited by sparking PG&E power lines that came into contact with nearby vegetation, and further that PG&E failed to take appropriate steps to prevent fire in considering local conditions, utilizing power lines, and maintaining surrounding trees and vegetation. Rules and regulations require that PG&E maintain proper clearance between vegetation and high voltage power lines.


What You May Recover

Regardless of compensation you will receive from your insurance company, you may have a potential claim. Recoverable losses may include, but are not limited to:

  • Physical Injuries (e.g. burns, smoke inhalation, etc.)

  • Damage to homes

  • Damage to personal property

  • Loss of use of your home or property

  • Emotional distress

  • Evacuation related damages

  • Smoke and soot damage

  • Lost business income

  • Loss of cherished possessions

  • Tree and landscaping damages

  • Erosion damages

  • Annoyance, discomfort, and inconvenience damages

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